Tuesday, October 31, 2006

my dentist will be my new best friend.

i finally went to the dentist today cuz i think i got cavities.

one year after my last visit, i finally made an appointment with my dentist. BOy did one year make alot of difference! apparently cavities are not the big problem. she told me that while my brushing was good, but the gums in front are under the threat of getting gum disease! wth..

i was quite worried to hear that, though not surprised - been suspecting it for some time now. but then i brush and use listerine twice a day! and i brush my gums as well! i seriously thought that was enough but my gums' health was deteriorating anyway. it seems like i was missing one important link - FLOSSING! and to think that listerine was going to help with preventing tartar. wtf.
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i have been using Listerine's new: bright & clean. it states 'helps keep teeth bright and clean with added Whitenol preventing the build up of discolouring tar tar, kills germs that cause bad breath, plague n gingivitis. provides 12 hr protection against plague. enhance breath protection' and its approved by singapore dental association!

so i was misled n maybe YOU TOO. i always thought flossing was not important. but actually flossing is very important cuz it prevents tartar from being able to solidify. listerine only helps reduce germs and tartar products.. but flossing is more thorough while listerine is just fluid. if listerine is really able to KILL all germs and bacterial, it will probably kill many other things in your mouth. p/s: that thing on the right is actually floss. cute right?

so my dear FRIENDS. don't forget to floss! floss is more important than listerine. and visit your friendly neighbourhood dentist. if the drills, hooks and the pain is scary, try typing 'gum disease' into the google image search engine and press [enter]. the pictures are bound to make you run to the dentist and beg them to save your teeth/gums.

*gulps* i just recalled some of the pictures that i saw. i think i am going to puke...

now my part of the gums in the front are dettached from the teeth so i keeping my fingers crossed that i go back next week, some of the gums have started to heal! and erm.. my gum are still hurting.. i lost some blood at the dentist's. *sobs* and for the next few days.. i might loss abit more too.. she told me to have my wisdom tooth removed before my molars start to die. eeks! and i have to do surgery cuz mine is growing in a DANGEROUS position. after today's gum disease scare..! i think i am going to the polycinic to refer me to the national dental centre cuz its cheaper that way.

FOR healthy teeth!
*with fist clinched and determined face*

p/s YR & A: my new best friend is going to be the dentist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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