Friday, January 09, 2009


wah~! Expo is having a tattoo exibition! i wanna go actually but they are charging $18 for a ticket.. i am quite giam nowadays. i think i mentioned before that i wanted to get a tattoo but i have no idea what to get. and no idea where to put it too.. no idea whether i really, really want it..

but one thing i am very sure - i will be disowned if my parents ever found out i had a tattoo. hahaha i am still stuck at the same spot ya know. *sigh* come to think about it - a BARCODE tattoo is quite cool. but i have no idea what it might symbolise though.

i have short-listed a few place i want to have it on.

#1 - inside of the wrist

#1 - Palm

both spots tie at the first place because having the barcode anywhere on the hand/wrist really appeals to me. and i especially love the design of the tattoo on the right - minus the SLAVE.

But having a tattoo in either places also means that there will be alot of jobs that i can't do since the hand is one of the most prominant body part. and i am 100% sure no employer wants a female employee, with a tattoo on her hand, shaking hands with their potential clients.

the only acceptable situation is that i become a hip-hop artist. lol then i will have loads of chances to show off my tattoo when i do the 'PUT YOUR HANDS UP! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!' lol.

so the next three most likely places to put them is:

#3 - Nape of the neck

#4 - small of my back

#5 - somewhere on my thigh

and then need to think about the sign and what text to put with the barcode.. how about Y1043H? *pouts*

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